
It's doable, fun, sociable, inexpensive, health enhancing
Come to our Open Day, 5 May 2025
Or, if you cannot come that bank holiday Monday, please get in touch to arrange another time.
We have now closed down our bowling green for the winter. Maintenance will continue throughout the winter so that our bowling green remains one the best in the area for 2025.
For new, not experienced, bowlers our membership subscription is FREE the first season. Only pay match and competition fees. Club bowls and coaching are available FREE.
For more information email: robhalls@sharnbrookbowlsclub.co.uk or phone 0777 579 2519
Progress with our new Changing Rooms
Please see our New Changing Rooms page for progress photos and the list of Raffle Draw Prizes and Winners!
Club Information
The Club was established in 1969 and is run by its members. It is affiliated to the Playing Fields Association, with whom we share bar, kitchen and social facilities with other clubs.
Our playing season runs from late April until the end of September and the green is open for play 7 days a week from 10am until dusk. Social events are held during the winter months.
About 100 club matches are played each season: Ladies, Men and Mixed teams play a variety of friendly, league and cup competitions.
Not everyone wishes to play in competitive games and for those members there are social ‘roll-ups’. All are welcome, and if your interests extend to grass-cutting and green maintenance you will be even more warmly welcomed!
For newcomers to the sport we have some spare bowls and flat shoes (i.e. no heels) for use before you purchase your own. New sets of bowls cost upwards of £150, but 2nd-hand sets are often available.
Free coaching from a qualified coach is available